South Park Renovation

The scope of work involves furnishing all the required permits, materials, equipment, implements, parts, supplies, labor and materials necessary for, or appurtenant to for, or appurtenant to and for the complete and successful renovations at South Park in Park Ridge, Illinois as described in the attached Specifications and Drawings.


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 2/20/24 11:30am
Bid Date 3/5/24 11:00am

Company & Contacts

Upland Design Ltd.
Liz Dafoe  


Park Ridge, Illinois 60068

Dear Bidder:

The Park Ridge Park District does hereby invite bids for the South Park Renovation Project.

Address sealed bids to the attention of Mary Beth Golden, Executive Administrative Assistant, and specify

“South Park Renovation Bid Opening, Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.” on the envelope. Sealed

bids will be received until 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at the Prospect Park Wohlers Hall, 733

N. Prospect Avenue, Park Ridge, Illinois 60068. The bid opening will be held in the Board Room located

at 733 N. Prospect Avenue at 11:00 a.m. sharp. Bids submitted after closing time will be returned unopened.

No oral, telephone, fax or email proposals will be considered.

If bids will be hand delivered before the due date, please deliver between 10am-4pm (Monday-Friday)

to Wohlers Hall (front building), 733 N. Prospect Avenue, Park Ridge. Wohlers Hall is not a public

building. Bids may also be dropped in the “Park District Mail Drop Box” located out front of the



Jennifer Meunier

Project Manager